
Friday, March 4, 2011

UVA - 10305 - Ordering Tasks

  • ID : UVA - 10305 - Ordering Tasks
  • Language : Java C++
  • Status : Accepted - Accepted
  • Type : Topological Sort.
  • Time : 6 Hours.
  • Solution :
          1. Source Removal Method or DFS
          2. Calculate in Degree.
          3. Use a queue and insert at first all edges with 0 in Degree those who must be finished first.
          4. Dequeue every time a node and decrease the in-degree of all it's neighbours as this node is considered to be removed from the queue or the task is done
          5. each time you decrease the degree of the node. check if this task is available now ( i.e it's degree is zero that means that all of it's dependencies is already finished.
  • Problems :
          1. Check for special cases in the input. the m could be a zero and that what stopped me for 6 hours and I don't know what's wrong with my solution. I discovered that I have to remove the  m!=0  condition from the while loop statement.
          2. I wasn't able to submit the DFS solution don't know what's the reason. but I decided to solve more problems for this period and come to this later
  • Code :

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